Texas Holdem – Pocket Rockets

The strongest starting hand in all of no-limit Texas Holdem poker is pocket aces, otherwise known as pocket rockets or bullets. If you are sitting at a no-limit Texas Holdem poker table and find yourself looking down at pocket aces, you are fortunate enough to be holding the single most dominating starting hand in all of Texas Holdem. Although pocket aces are considered the strongest of the strong, this starting hand can very easily be beaten if not played correctly.

Hopefully, this article will provide you with some insight into how to play this powerful starting hand when sitting at your local Texas Holdem table and as you learn all these strategies, you can try them at Pkv Games Online as well. 

Playing pocket aces is pretty straightforward, regardless of your position at the Texas Holdem poker table. Regardless of where you are sitting, a hand such as pocket aces should always be raised anywhere from three to five times the big blind pre-flop. Firing out a large pre-flop raise such as this will ensure that anyone who is chasing any kind of drawing hand either pays dearly to do so or, preferably, bails out on the hand completely. Although you are holding pocket aces, what you are holding is still just a single pair and any single pair can be easily beaten if the competition is allowed to continue to draw out against it.

If you raise correctly pre-flop with pocket aces, you will generally only get a caller or two and this is becoming an ideal Texas Holdem match-up for you. My recommendation is to fire a pot-sized bet if you do not spike an ace on the flop and to check-raise if you do hit your ace. Using the check-raise allows you to trap someone who may have been holding AK and who now thinks he has the best hand at your Texas Holdem table. Firing off a pot-sized bet in the event you miss the flop should usually be good enough to chase out any remaining players who are thinking about trying to draw out on you, allowing you to take the pot down then and there without the risk of being beaten by what started out as an inferior hand.

Always be sure to realize that tips such as these may or may not work for you at your given Texas Holdem table. These Texas Holdem tips are merely generic tactics that will work under most circumstances so be sure that you know your competition and the complexion of your poker table before relying solely on anything you read online about Texas Holdem strategy.

About the author /

Ryan Morris is a technology writer and is really intrigued by the ways technology revolutionized the casino industry. In his free time, he tries to learn more about the different strategies that are used in poker games.


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