Online Casino Searches at All-Time High During Lockdown

Ever since the lockdown of establishments such as land-based casinos happened, more and more online casino sites and applications have popped up on the internet. Google trends show that gambling has evolved and moved online. 

During times of lockdown, statistics data showed that there were more “customers” playing online poker, slots, and any other casino games. And what’s alarming is the players are spending more money. Anna Hemmings, chief executive of GamCare, a charity that focused on helping people with problems in gambling, states that “due to financial distress, boredom, and isolation, are great contributing factors for these gamblers to engage.” 

Luckily, watch dogs — people who keep track of the operators of these online casinos, are keeping attention to any irresponsible behaviour and anomaly that these operators might do. They will suspend licenses if they need to. 

Though many people have been benefited by the thought of having an online casino, there are some people who disagree with it and thought it to be a recipe for disaster. Because many online casinos have popped out, more and more people are becoming irresponsible gamblers. 

Since online casinos are played using the internet just like when playing judi online, sending money doesn’t bring that great of a deal since it doesn’t have a face value at that moment, hence, this makes spending a lot of money simple as nothing.

That is why, certain regulations were done. Credit cards and e-wallets, such as PayPal, Skrill, and any other were banned as the ability to use these ways of payment worsened people’s habit of chasing money losses. 

Although authorities have made rules and regulations to lessen and avoid abuse and misuse of money in online casinos, these will still be of no use if they are not followed by the players and operators. Keep in mind that it still boils down to the player’s responsibility on how he controls the flow of his money. He can either make it big or lose it.

About the author /

Ryan Morris is a technology writer and is really intrigued by the ways technology revolutionized the casino industry. In his free time, he tries to learn more about the different strategies that are used in poker games.


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