Gold Strike Casino in Tunica, Mississippi

Are you planning a visit to the Gold Strike Casino in Tunica, Mississippi? If so, here are some pointers for making your experience a good one:

Take cash with you. Do not expect to use the Automated Teller Machine (ATM) when you get to this casino. Besides the fees, a big waiting line usually forms. To make matters worse, you cannot get cash directly out of the machine. You have to go through the ATM process and then take the ticket to the cage and wait another good while during the time that this casino checks your license and gets you your money.

In short, the ATM process seems to act as deterrence, rather than a promoter of spending money. So, make sure that you take all the money that you might need to spend with you. If you end up needing money, it might serve you well to drive a short way to use a bank ATM and then drive back to the casino. Sure, this process might be aggravating, but then so is standing in one line after another.

A huge line is quite an irritating process to endure but it is well worth it because once you set foot into the casino, the game and the high stakes are the only thing in mind that gives all the gamblers an adrenaline rush like no other and poker online terpercaya is the only thing that can match the excitement but it is for less able players.

Get a player card.

Playing without a player’s card is not wise at this casino, even if you intend to play for only a few hours because you have to have a player’s card to get cash, eat, and do whatever else you need to do (except maybe go to the restroom). Go early, though, the lines are horrendous. Too, you have to stand in another line to find out if you have earned any comps, so get ready for this after you have finished playing.

Expect a crowd.

8Even if the casino isn’t crowded with people, it’s still crowded because the casino has so many machines, and these machines (and tables) are positioned so closely together that you barely have any elbow room. I guess this is the idea because you basically go in and drop a few hundred dollars and leave before you even get a drink. The bottom line is that this casino does not offer a relaxing atmosphere.

Eat before you get there.

The food at this casino is supposed to be good. Even so, you might never know because, again, you will stand in a long line to get to any food. Even worse, this long line fails to move at a noticeable pace. Sure, you can complain, but you have to find someone to complain to first, and this means wading through all the people in the casino. Save yourself some hunger pains and some aggravation and just eat some solid food before you go.

About the author /

Ryan Morris is a technology writer and is really intrigued by the ways technology revolutionized the casino industry. In his free time, he tries to learn more about the different strategies that are used in poker games.


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